Galacticus (mdpl2.galacticus)

The table has 12132013056 rows, 59 columns.


Galacticus catalog of semi-analytical galaxies, built using the Rockstar catalog


In order to properly acknowledge our efforts, we request the following paragraph to be included in the "Acknowledgements" section of any publication which makes use of the simulation data above via the CosmoSim or MultiDark database:

Acknowledgements – Database

The CosmoSim database used in this paper is a service by the Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP). The MultiDark database was developed in cooperation with the Spanish MultiDark Consolider Project CSD2009-00064.

Acknowledgements – Simulations

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V. ( and the Partnership for Advanced Supercomputing in Europe (PRACE, for funding the MultiDark simulation project by providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ, The Bolshoi simulations have been performed within the Bolshoi project of the University of California High-Performance AstroComputing Center (UC-HiPACC) and were run at the NASA Ames Research Center.

More information can be found on the credit page.


Name Type UCD Unit Description
dbid long

unique database ID for this table, constructed from file number, snapnum and row in file

snapnum short time.epoch

snapshot number (same as in Rockstar-catalogues)

redshift double time.epoch

redshift of the universe for this timestep

rockstarid long

ID in corresponding dark matter halo in Rockstar catalogue

depthfirstid long

depthFirstId of dark matter halo in corresponding Rockstar catalogue

forestid long

ID of the merger forest in corresponding Rockstar catalogue

hosthaloid long

subhalo index from Rockstar output, same as rockstarId

mainhaloid long

central halo index from consistent-trees output

galaxytype short

type of the galaxy: 0=central, 1=satellite, 2=orphan satellite

halomass double h-1.solMass

remaining bound mass of a satellite

x double pos.cartesian.x h-1.Mpc

comoving x-position

y double pos.cartesian.y h-1.Mpc

comoving y-position

z double pos.cartesian.z h-1.Mpc

comoving z-position

vx double phys.veloc km.s-1

x-component of physical velocity

vy double phys.veloc km.s-1

y-component of physical velocity

vz double phys.veloc km.s-1

z-component of physical velocity

spin double

spin parameter

spinx double

spin vector, x-component

spiny double

spin vector, y-component

spinz double

spin vector, z-component

mstarspheroid double h-1.solMass

stellar mass in spheroid

mstardisk double phys.mass h-1.solMass

stellar mass in disk

mcoldspheroid double h-1.solMass

gas mass in spheroid

mcolddisk double phys.mass h-1.solMass

gas mass in disk

mhot double h-1.solMass

mass in hot halo

mbh double phys.mass h-1.solMass

mass of the central supermassive black hole

sfrspheroid double phys.SFR h-1.solMass.Gyr-1

star formation rate in spheroid

sfrdisk double phys.SFR h-1.solMass.Gyr-1

star formation rate in disk

sfr double phys.SFR h-1.solMass.Gyr-1

total star formation rate (disk+spheroid)

lstarsdssu double phys.luminosity 4.4659e13.W.Hz-1

total luminosity in observed frame

lstarsdssg double phys.luminosity 4.4659e13.W.Hz-1

total luminosity in observed frame

lstarsdssr double phys.luminosity 4.4659e13.W.Hz-1

total luminosity in observed frame

lstarsdssi double phys.luminosity 4.4659e13.W.Hz-1

total luminosity in observed frame

lstarsdssz double phys.luminosity 4.4659e13.W.Hz-1

total luminosity in observed frame

mzgasspheroid double phys.mass h-1.solMass

mass of metals in gas in spheroid component

mzgasdisk double phys.mass h-1.solMass

mass of metals in gas in disk component

mzhothalo double phys.mass h-1.solMass

mass of metals in hot halo

mzstarspheroid double phys.mass h-1.solMass

mass of metals in stars in spheroid component

mzstardisk double phys.mass h-1.solMass

mass of metals in stars in disk component

mvir_sam double phys.mass h-1.solMass

mass Mvir_SAM of the corresponding dark matter halo in Rockstar

basictimelastisolated double time.epoch

time at which the dark matter halo was last isolated (i.e. not a subhalo)

satellitemergetime double

time until satellite will merge with host

blackholecount int

number of supermassive black holes in the galaxy

blackholespin double

spin of the central supermassive black hole

rdisk double phys.size h-1.Mpc

disk scale length

rspheroid double phys.size h-1.Mpc

spheroid scale length

rhotouter double phys.size h-1.Mpc

outer radius of hot halo

vdisk double phys.veloc.rotat km.s-1

circular velocity of disk

vspheroid double phys.veloc.rotat km.s-1

circular velocity of spheroid

angmomdisk double pos

angular momentum of disk component, physical coordinates

angmomspheroid double pos

angular momentum of spheroid component, physical coordinates

angmomhot double pos

angular momentum in hot halo, physical coordinates

inclination double deg

randomly selected inclination for the disk in degrees

ninfilesnapnum long

number of galaxy in the data file, inside the output group for current snapnum

filenum int

number of the file from which the data was uploaded

ix int pos.cartesian.x

spatial grid index, x-direction

iy int pos.cartesian.y

spatial grid index, y-direction

iz int pos.cartesian.z

spatial grid index, z-direction

phkey long

Peano-Hilbert key index of space-filling curve